Public Advocacy

Members of the Clairemont Coalition on Homelessness show up to advocate for evidence-based solutions to homelessness in San Diego and to show that Clairemont is willing to do its part.

May 15, 2018: Clairemont community members sent letter in support of proposed Mt. Alifan development project, and supportive housing in general, to Clairemont Community Planning Group with over a dozen signatories.

Community Outreach

Coalition members play a role in educating about solutions to homelessness and facilitating communication and dialogue within the community.

July 18, 2018: Organized support for Ivy Senior Apartments at Wakeland Development Community Forum.

July 5, 2018: Helped coordinate a Clairemont Town Council forum on supportive housing in order for the Clairemont community to become educated on what supportive housing means.

Press and Editorial

San Diegans know that there is public support for ending homelessness, and we help show it. Coalition members have been interviewed by the press and been published in letters to the editor and op-ed pieces about the importance of serving as a voice that demands action on San Diego’s homeless crisis.

Clairemont residents voice concerns about proposed affordable housing project: Interview of Coalition Member Emily Cottrell on Fox 5 News discussing Clairemont support for County’s Mt. Etna Affordable Housing Project (Sept. 18, 2018).